Monday, August 17, 2009

leading multidisciplinary research on basic and applied problems

Since the organization of our center focuses on modern means of communication, which is the development of the scientific process. For this structure exists in our department of scientific and technical information and software. Staff members organize information support of research colleagues, conferences, contests, promote the exchange of information, are the mathematical processing research, the library opened.

Colleagues form the basis of literature and statistical data on the physiology of adaptation and social and environmental aspects of human life in the north, are preparing an assessment of research and patents involved in the conduct of research in the field of mathematical modeling and forecasting. The center operates postgraduate studies. As part of the jointly developed with academic departments give lectures and conduct special courses, run by the practice of students and diplomas.

MNITS "Arctic" Russian Academy of Sciences is the only research organization in the North-East of Russia, the leading multidisciplinary research on basic and applied problems of adaptation and ecological physiology of man.

Prospects and confidence gives scientists one of the last statements, talking Prime Minister of Russia Vladimir Putin, it relates to the opening in the Russian universities and research institutions of small businesses, which will focus on innovation and the introduction of fundamental developments in scientific practice. All of this in its assets are scholars of international scientific research center "Arctic."

Get a certificate

Few people are aware that the introduction of the diet of people in a new food additive - it is a very, very difficult. Before we get into the human stomach, each agent passes the multi-toxicological and hygiene inspection. Only in the event of their success is a long process of certification. It starts at the Joint Committee of Experts of the International Agriculture Organization of JECFA. It is here that approves or rejects the proposal «candidacy». If the newly food additive honorably stood all tests and was allowed to use, it waits for the next phase - defining the permissible daily dose - the quantity of the substance per kilogram of body weight, which can be consumed daily throughout life without risk to health. In calculating this value using a so-called safety factor, which is usually equal to one hundred. This means that the allowable daily amount of preservative should be a hundred times less than the minimum current dose. These precautions have proved that the approval of new food components, scientists, physicians and toxicologists are the very responsibly.

Who gets at risk?

- First of all those in whose female relatives had breast cancer - from mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters. At risk women are also diagnosed with «breast», the first time. Women with obesity, where there is high blood pressure and diabetes - in this group of patients on cancer occurs three times more often. Women with low thyroid function, as well as those who love fatty foods, drink alcohol. In this case, degeneration of liver cells and the effect on the mammary glands.

- At what age should be diagnosed in girls?

- For school-age already have to teach a girl to carry out self-care and the health of the mammary glands. Since 30 years, women need to do breast ultrasound, and from 30-35 to conduct mammograms every two years. On time to detect and cure the disease - thus, avoiding problems in the future.

The pain is unacceptable!

- In the critical days, women often note pain in the chest. Where is the line that shows the pathology?

- Breast is normal not to be hurt in any circumstances. Is a slight increase, but the pain and swelling - no. If pain increases with time, paid in armpits, under the blade, be alert and contact your doctor.

- How to conduct self?

- It can be done in the bathroom when namylena chest, arm and could well slide propalpirovat education to 0.5 millimeters own. But unfortunately, 30 percent of tumors are located within the gland, and they could not be independently detected. This may be done only by a doctor. You can also conduct a survey in front of the mirror with your hands raised up. It is necessary to examine the chest in the presence of those traits that we have listed above. By the way, it would be nice if the mammary glands examined favorite person! Women can self-pity and do not diagnose properly.